Current Projects
Middle East Medical Group Project Fund
Medical teams travel into the Middle East to serve refugees and local residents in need with free primary medical care. All people are served with respect and honor from all religious faiths and backgrounds. Follow up medicines and food assistance are handled by local partners after the medical teams depart. Support is needed for our local partners to purchase medicines, food, cooking and heating supplies for those in need.
Ethiopia Refugee Project Fund
Medical and community-development teams work on short-term projects to assist local leaders in meeting community health and wellness needs. These teams work to help in indigenous refugee camps. Support is needed for sending teams and purchasing supplies for their projects.
Romania Medical Project Fund
She just turned 58 years old. Sewing dresses was how she made money to feed her family but her eyes could no longer focus up close and her arms were only so long. She now sewed by feel. ​
Reading glasses are hard to come by in her village. She would have to travel to a city and then they would be too expensive for her to afford. ​
Then a team of people came to visit her village and they brought eyeglasses! She can see her work again!
Don & Lauree Support Fund
Don and Lauree have dedicated the last 21 years to taking medical and other teams overseas to serve people in need. They have adopted a practice of serving beside people from other countries to assist them in helping their own communities. Don insists on the national partners choosing where they work in order to meet the greatest need as seen by those living in the community. Lauree has a passion for bringing medical help to the under-served and has been amazed how a personal touch and caring smile can open doors for friendship and service. When not traveling, Don and Lauree train and recruit groups to go and serve. By donating to this fund you can support Don and Lauree as partners in service.
Love in Action Project Fund
A local food pantry in Birmingham, Alabama, is meeting the food needs of families in and around the city through a partnership with four local churches, two community charities and several businesses. Supporting this project will allow Love in Action to purchase extra food and cleaning supplies for the families they serve.
Project Specific Fund
Many people are willing to go and serve but lack readily available funds. Some indigenous teams are serving and need funding for supplies and projects.
This is a fund for mobilizing someone to serve or resource a team serving. You contribute and then comment on which project or person you would like your funds to benefit.